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If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “What is the starting point in creating a marketing mix?”, you’re on the right track. Webby360 is a digital marketing solutions provider that will guide you through the most important questions to ask yourself to get your digital marketing strategy off the ground. What are the 7 Ps of marketing?  Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence are often referred to as the 7 Ps of marketing or the marketing mix. Essentially, the 7 Ps are marketing activities that companies use to meet customers’ existing needs, as well as evolve with their changing needs to consistently provide excellent customer

For a long time, branding has been a critical component for businesses. When carried out effectively, it tells the world, potential customers, and future shareholders that the brand is trustworthy and reliable. Branding gives whatever products you sell or services offered an identity ingrained in the minds of customers and visitors. It also represents the worth attached to whatever value a company provides. Even when competitors offer close substitutes, your brand will be easily distinguishable from the rest. With the introduction of digitalization, branding has moved from the traditional word-of-mouth method to social media platforms, websites, and more to establish long-term relationships between companies

In a world gone digital in nearly all facets of modern life, a digital marketing agency is important to help your business navigate the online world. Digital agencies can do wonders for your business. They can take your brand to the next level, connecting you with your customers.  With a digital marketing agency, you can establish your online presence and explore the opportunities available. Before choosing a digital marketing agency, you need to consider the needs of your business. For example, which type of digital marketing agency do you think your business needs? How efficient are they? Are they reputable?  Here are some things you