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Understanding how to adapt to changing times can be difficult and overwhelming.  That’s why Webby360 Marketing Solutions created this article to help you explore the benefits of digital marketing and its impact on small businesses like yours.  Digital Marketing in Today’s Climate In today’s digital world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for small businesses to connect with others. Without a solid digital marketing strategy, it’s impossible to reach potential customers and ultimately grow your business.  Whether you’re focusing on trade shows and exhibitions to network and build customer relations, or you’re relying on word-of-mouth referrals, chances are your business is suffering a loss.  To overcome this, you must be flexible

If you want your website to be viewed and experienced the same way on every device, it’s important to understand the difference between mobile-responsive and mobile-friendly web design. While the terms ‘mobile-responsive’ and ‘mobile-friendly’ websites are often (mistakenly) used interchangeably, they are actually different. While both refer to interacting with a website on a mobile device, the key difference is how users see vs experience the information on your website. The first step before moving forward is to make sure you have a functional website to promote your business on. If you need a new or improved website, you may want to consider reading

Having an online presence whether it be through social media, building a new website or both, is no longer a choice in today’s world. If you want to be competitive, grow your brand, and most importantly get people to notice and buy your product or service, you need to be accessible and seen online. Well, what's the best way to do that? Perhaps it's time to consider using an internet marketing company like Webby360. A good digital marketing team will maintain your systems, update your website content, use SEO best practices, and work with you to achieve your overall objectives. Should I Build

First-party cookies are electronic cookies that enable a firm or organization owning a website to gather analytics data. To accept or not to accept? That is often the question.  We have all gotten used to that little pop-up that happens every time we visit a website asking us if we accept the application of this technological tool with the cute name, “cookies”. Why is it an important tool for every company to include in their online offerings, what does this actually mean for your business and what happens if the end user chooses ‘OK’ or declines?  These days many users simply click accept without reading, but