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Sometimes acronyms can make things easy. But if you don’t know what CPC, PPC, SEO, SEM, CTR, or ROI mean, digital marketing terms can get pretty confusing and overwhelming … fast.  So here is a quick cheat sheet for some of the most important digital marketing terminology every small business owner should know. Return on Investment (ROI) ROI isn’t a digital marketing-specific acronym, but it's still a very relevant term. ROI means how much money you get back from your spending on your digital marketing campaigns.  Business to Business (B2B) & Business to Consumer (B2C) B2B means that a business is selling to other businesses, like Webby360. In

For a long time, branding has been a critical component for businesses. When carried out effectively, it tells the world, potential customers, and future shareholders that the brand is trustworthy and reliable. Branding gives whatever products you sell or services offered an identity ingrained in the minds of customers and visitors. It also represents the worth attached to whatever value a company provides. Even when competitors offer close substitutes, your brand will be easily distinguishable from the rest. With the introduction of digitalization, branding has moved from the traditional word-of-mouth method to social media platforms, websites, and more to establish long-term relationships between companies